Marco Cuturi is a Research Scientist at Apple Machine Learning Research in Paris and a Professor of Statistics at CREST - ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. His research interests include machine learning, optimal transport, optimization, time-series analysis, and kernel methods.
Dr. Cuturi earned his Ph.D. from École des Mines de Paris in November 2005. Following his doctoral studies, he held postdoctoral positions at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics in Tokyo and at Princeton University. He also worked in the financial industry for two years. From 2010 to 2016, he was an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University. In 2016, he joined ENSAE, and between 2018 and 2022, he was part of the Google Brain team. In January 2022, he joined Apple, contributing to the Machine Learning Research team led by Samy Bengio.
Throughout his career, Dr. Cuturi has made significant contributions to the field of optimal transport and its applications in machine learning. He has served as an associate editor for the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) and as a senior area chair for conferences such as NeurIPS and ICML. He has also been an area chair for AISTATS and ICLR.